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//! Provides utilities for interacting with assembly ports
#![cfg(any(target_arch = "x86"))]
use core::arch::asm;
/// Outputs a byte to an IO port
pub fn outb(port: u16, val: u8) {
unsafe {
"out dx, al", in("dx") port, in("al") val
/// Outputs an arbitrary number of bytes to an IO port
pub fn outbs(port: u16, val: &[u8]) {
for ele in val {
outb(port, *ele);
/// Reads a byte from an IO port
pub fn inb(port: u16) -> u8 {
let out;
unsafe {
"in al, dx", out("al") out, in("dx") port
/// Wait a short, indeterminable time
pub fn io_wait() {
outb(0x80, 0);